Modul 63062 Masterseminar Sprachtechnologie


The increasing technical progress and the ever-widening spread in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) also brings with it new ethical challenges. There are also many ethically relevant problems in the field of language technology based on learning algorithms, such as
- Data protection and privacy: Where does the data for the models come from?
- Bias: Many NLP models contain stereotypical associations such as "man - Doctor,
   woman -   nurse".
- Harm: what damage can artificial intelligence cause?
- Resources: How harmful are very large AI models to the environment?
The seminar is structured as follows: In the first face-to-face session at the beginning of the semester (TBD), you will be given an overview of various ethical issues in the field of language problems, language technology and AI in general. In the following phase, you will deal intensively with the current state of research on a specific problem. This includes independent research for relevant, current publications (predominantly in English) and a written paper. At the attendance date towards the end of the semester (date TBD), you will present your results to the other participants in a presentation and give each other feedback.

Masterseminar Sprachtechnologie:
Präsenzphase: 30 Stunden
Literaturrecherche und Lektüre der relevanten Literatur: 60 Stunden
Peer Feedback: 10 Stunden
Schreiben Seminararbeit: 100 Stunden
Formulieren von Gegenthesen: 20 Stunden
Erstellen der Präsentation, Üben des Vortrags: 80 Stunden
Dauer des Modulsein Semester
Häufigkeit des Modulsin jedem Sommersemester
Für die Teilnahme an einem Seminar ist ein gesondertes Anmeldeverfahren im Vorsemester über folgenden Link erforderlich:
Inhaltliche Voraussetzung


M.Sc. Data Science
Art der Prüfungsleistungbenotete Seminarteilnahme (Ausarbeitung und Vortrag)
Stellenwert der Note1/12
Formale Voraussetzungenmindestens drei Pflichtmodulprüfungen sind bestanden



mathinf.webteam | 10.05.2024