
Einladung zum Vortrag (Zoom) von Frau Dr. Catherine Drysdale (University of Birmingham, UK) am 09.07.2024 - 15:30 Uhr im Rahmen des Forschungsseminars Analysis


Im Rahmen des Forschungsseminars Analysis hält am Dienstag, den 9. Juli 2024, um 15:30 Uhr, Frau Dr. Catherine Drysdale (University of Birmingham, UK) einen Vortrag zum Thema

Computing Spectra of Infinite-dimensional operators - what do we need?

Abstract: In this talk, I look at three examples regarding the numerical computation of spectra for infinite-dimensional non-self-adjoint operators. Two conditions are need to compute the spectrum of operators in one limit. Namely, knowledge of how the operator acts on vectors and also how the resolvent norm behaves near the spectrum. We will explore examples that illustrate the two conditions and how we can overcome them in certain contexts. These include the imaginary cubic oscillator, the non-self-adjoint Ginzburg-Landau equation and a convection-diffusion equation assosciated with fluid rotating in a cylinder.

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen eines Zoom-Meetings statt. Bei Interesse an den Zugangsdaten bitte bei Herrn Prof. Mugnolo (delio.mugnolo) melden.

mathinf.webteam | 01.07.2024