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Taskforce "Artificial intelligence in education" presents recom-mendations to the NRW state government

Photo: Land NRW/Florian Hemann

The Taskforce "Artificial Intelligence in Education" presented recommendations to the state government in Düsseldorf on July 2 on how to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of artificial intelligence in education. The FernUni was also involved with CATALPA.

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CATALPA executive board officially appointed after elections

Photo: Henrik Schipper/Hardy Welsch/Bernd Müller/FernUni/Privat

After the CATALPA executive board was elected with a slightly different composition, it has now been officially appointed by the Rectorate. Torsten Zesch has a new role as Deputy Scientific Director and Jennifer Hochstein has joined as a new face from the junior staff.

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CATALPA sponsors 19th BEA Workshop

Photo: Henrik Schipper/Hardy Welsch

Get ready, the 19th BEA Workshop - Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications starts in Mexico City tomorrow. CATALPA is a Gold Sponsor and CATALPA members Marie Bexte and Andrea Horbach are part of the organizing team.

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