Interne Fortbildungsveranstaltung

8.74 Academic Writing

Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fakultäten
12 Teilnehmende
13.06.2023, 09:00 - 16:15 Uhr
Theo Best, Write English, Köln


Topics include:

  • the principles of good academic writing
  • cultural differences in how academic papers are written
  • how to structure research articles
  • how to build effective paragraphs and sentences
  • incorporating narrative into academic texts
  • punctuation
  • editing techniques


This workshop is for doctoral candidates who are either publishing in international journals, or soon will be. The modules therefore explore how academic writers can satisfy the expectations of international, English-speaking journal editors, and boost their chances of publication. Participants will learn the techniques they need to write well structured papers which communicate the value of their research with impact and clarity. Topics include:

  • the principles of good academic writing
  • cultural differences in how academic papers are written
  • how to structure research articles
  • how to build effective paragraphs and sentences
  • incorporating narrative into academic texts
  • punctuation
  • editing techniques

The workshop is highly interactive and consists of instructor-lead sessions, as well as pair/group work. The workshop also utilises a handout which will be sent to participants before the workshop. At the end of the programme, participants may submit a max. 1000-word text to the trainer for individual feedback.

In preparation participants should read the handout and bring a paper (including its abstract) which they have written, or one by another author.

The entire workshop will be held in English.

Infos zu Zertifikatsprogramm(e):

Das Seminar wird im Rahmen des PE-NRW-Zertifikatsprogramms „Qualifikation für Berufsfelder in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ in Modul C – Kommunikationskompetenzen mit 8 AE angerechnet.


Weitere Informationen

Auskunft erteilt: E-Mail: personalentwicklung

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Christina Dreßler | 10.05.2024