Dr. Philipp Brüggemann

Dr. Philipp Brüggemann Foto: Hardy Welsch

E-Mail: Philipp.Brueggemann

Telefon: +49 2331 987-2372

Fax: +49 2331 987-2188

Raum: B 07, 4. Etage, Gebäude 3

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  • Dr. Philipp Brüggemann, Jahrgang 1987, studierte an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster Betriebswirtschaftslehre und schloss das Studium 2012 als Bachelor of Science ab.
  • Anschließend absolvierte er an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel sein Masterstudium in Betriebswirtschaft, welches er 2014 mit dem Abschluss Master of Science beendete.
  • Danach arbeitete Herr Dr. Brüggemann als Controller in einer Stiftung in Dortmund.
  • Seit 2018 ist er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing.

Preise und Auszeichnungen

  • Best Paper Award in the “Digital and Social Media Marketing” Track der 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference für den Beitrag “Time Effects in Attribution Modeling”, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, zusammen mit C. Koch, C. D. Schultz und R. Olbrich.
  • Best Reviewer Award 2023 des Journal of Marketing Analytics.
  • Best Reviewer Award 2023 des Journal of Consumer Behaviour (JCB).
  • Beste Dissertation, verliehen im Rahmen des Dies Academicus 2023 der FernUniversität in Hagen.
  • Best Paper Award 2023 auf der Digital Marketing & eCommerce (DMeC) Conference.
  • Best Reviewer Award 2022 des International Journal of Consumer Studies (IJCS).
  • Best Poster Award auf der 13th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference 2022 für den Beitrag „Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers’ Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping“, Kaunas, Lithuania, zusammen mit C. D. Schultz.
  • Elsevier Prize for Most Innovative Paper auf der 28. Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference für den Beitrag „Dividing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels: The Influence of Regular Prices and Promotional Prices”, Baveno, Italien, zusammen mit R. Olbrich.


  • Tomczyk, P./Brüggemann/ Mergner, N./Petrescu, M. 2024: Exploring AI’s Role in Literature Searching: Traditional Methods Versus AI-Based Tools in Analyzing Topical E-Commerce Theme, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Martinez, L. F./Brüggemann, P. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Fifth International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2024, pp. 141-148.
  • Petrescu, M./Reavey, B./Brüggemann, P./Orzan, M. 2024: Special session on AI and analytics in the multidisciplinary marketing ecosystem, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2024, Bukarest, Rumänien, in press.
  • Tomczyk, P./Brüggemann, P./Doligalski, T. 2024: Automating Science: Exploring the Potential and Limits of AI-based Applications in Systematic Literature Reviews, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2024, Bukarest, Rumänien, in press.
  • Brüggemann, P./Pauwels, K. 2024: How attitudes and purchases differ between also-online versus offline-only grocery shoppers in online and offline grocery shopping, Electronic Commerce Research, 2024, online available.
  • Brüggemann, P. 2024: Dependent Variables Under the Microscope – A New Method to Decompose and Comparatively Analyze Dependent Variables, in: Jeseo, V./Allen, J. (Eds.), Welcome to The New Normal: Life After The Chaos, Proceedings of the 2023 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 17–19, Springer: Cham 2024, pp. 242–249.
  • Mergner, N./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2024: Competitive Segmentation Analysis To Compare Pricing Effects for Competing Brands, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, in press.
  • Ermecke, K./Dege, D./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2024: Brand Power is Not Enough – The Attitude-Behavior Gap and its Impact on The Revenue of Chocolate Bars, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, in press.
  • Koch, C./Schultz, C. D./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2024: Time Effects in Attribution Modeling, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, in press.
  • Mergner, N./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2023: Advancing Market Segmentation By Competition Analysis – A New Method To Measure And Compare Competitive Advantages, proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances Conference 2023.
  • Ermecke, K./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2023: Reduce The Gap! – How The Attitude-Behavior Gap For Organic Products Impacts Sales In Offline Versus Online Grocery Shopping, proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances Conference 2023.
  • Dege, D./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Marketing analytics with RStudio: a software review, Journal of Marketing Analytics, online available. [pdf download]
  • Tomczyk, P./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Variable Science Mapping as Literature Review Booster – Systematic Literature Review and Empirical Evidence, Proceedings of the 14th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 27.-29.09.2023, Athens, Greece.
  • Mergner, N./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2023: Market Segmentation Meets Competition Analysis – A New Approach to Measure and Compare Competitive Advantages, Proceedings of the 14th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 27.-29.09.2023, Athens, Greece.
  • Brüggemann, P. 2023: Future Perspectives in Online Grocery Shopping – An Online Marketplace for Manufacturers, Retailers and Consumers, International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS), 24.-25.08.2023, Bielefeld, Germany. [pdf download (PDF 103 KB) (PDF 171 KB)]
  • Brüggemann, P./Pookulangara, S . 2023: Critical Review of Common Classifications in Channel Marketing – A New Holistic Framework, in: Proceedings of the 29th Recent Advances in Retailing & Consumer Science Conference, 24.-27.07.2023, Lyon, France. [pdf download (PDF 224 KB)]
  • Schultz, C. D./Kumar, H./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Body Scan versus Environmental Scan in App and Web Augmented Reality – The Role of Privacy Concerns and Technology Anxiety, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2023, Odense, Denmark.
  • Brüggemann, P. 2023: Die Dekomposition von Marktanteilen – methodische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendung am Beispiel der Marktanteile von Hersteller- und Handelsmarken sowie von Vertriebslinien im Lebensmittelhandel, in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe Marketing und Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Wiesbaden 2023 (zugl. Dissertation).
  • Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2023: Shift in National Brand and Private Label Shares with Households Commencing Online Grocery Shopping, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C./Gielens, K. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Tenth International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2023, pp. 119-126.
  • Rajguru, K./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Conceptualization of Sustainable Dimensions for Metaverse-as-a-Service, AIRSI 2023, 15.-16.05.2023, online.
  • Ermecke, K./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2023: They Don’t Do What They Say – The Attitude-Behavior Gap in Online and Offline Grocery Shopping for Organic Products, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J. (Ed.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Fourth International Conference, Springer, Cham, 28.-29.06.2023, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 70-77.
  • Brüggemann, P./Lehmann-Zschunke, N. 2023: How to reduce termination on freemium platforms—literature review and empirical analysis, in: Journal of Marketing Analytics, Vol. 11, 2023, pp. 707-721. [download open access paper]
  • Olbrich, R./Lehmann-Zschunke, N./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Marketing im Zeitalter digitaler Geschäfts­modelle – Konzeption einer Geschäftsmodellmatrix und empirische Analyse des Kunden­bindungsmanagements am Beispiel einer Freemium-Plattform, in: Oelsnitz, D. v. d./Wagner, U. (Hrsg.), Marketing – Eine Bilanz, Springer: Wiesbaden 2023, S. 79-99.
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: The impact of COVID‑19 pandemic restrictions on offline and online grocery shopping: New normal or old habits? Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 23, 2023, pp. 2051-2071. [download open access paper]
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: Das Dilemma mit der Erhöhung des Marktanteils – Eine neue Methode zur Verbesserung der Marktanteilsanalyse mit Blick auf Normal- und Sonderpreise, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 40. Jg., 2023, Nr. 1, S. 50-58. [pdf download]
  • Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2022: Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers' Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, Proceedings of the 13th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 21.-23.09.2022, Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Brüggemann, P./Rajguru, K. 2022: Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) 3.0: a software review, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 425-429. [pdf download](PDF 106 KB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: Dividing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels: The Influence of Regular Prices and Promotional Prices, in: Proceedings of the 28th Recent Advances in Retailing & Consumer Science Conference, 23.-26.07.2022, Baveno, Italy. [pdf download] (PDF 106 KB)
  • Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2022: Hemmfaktoren bei der Nutzung von digitalen Sprachassistenten beim Einkauf von Lebensmitteln - Eine empirische Analyse von Datenschutzbedenken und Technologieangst, in: Transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 68. Jg., 2022, Nr. 2, S. 22-31.
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: The Impact of Pandemic Restrictions on Offline and Online Grocery Shopping Behavior - New Normal or Old Habits?, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Martinez, L. F. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Third International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2022, pp. 224-232.
  • Brüggemann, P./Pauwels, K. 2022: Consumers’ Attitudes and Purchases in Online Versus Offline Grocery Shopping, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C./Ieva, M. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Ninth International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2022, pp. 39-46.
  • Brüggemann, P./Lehmann-Zschunke, N. 2022: Customers’ Retention on Freemium Platforms – An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Termination Rate, in: Proceedings of the 21th International Marketing Trends Conference, 20.-22.01.2022, Rome, Italy. [pdf download]
  • Olbrich, R./Springer-Norden, M. R./Brüggemann, P. 2021: Der Einsatz von Produktdifferenzierung − ein neues Messinstrumentarium zur Messung von Markentreue, in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Berichte aus dem Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, Forschungsbericht Nr. 24, FernUniversität in Hagen 2021. [pdf download (PDF 982 KB)].
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2021: Zur kompetitiven Steuerung der Marktanteile von Her­steller- und Handelsmarken – eine empirische Analyse in ausgewählten Betriebsformen des deutschen Lebensmittelhandels, in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Berichte aus dem Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, Forschungsbericht Nr. 23, FernUniversität in Hagen 2021. [pdf download (PDF 2 MB)]
  • Springer-Norden, M. R./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Product Variety and Loyalty to National Brands – a Combined Measurement of Purchase Sequence and Coverage of Demand, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Eighth International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2021, pp. 1-11.
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Effects of Distribution Channel Types and Determinants Influencing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels: An Abstract, Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, 01.-04.06.2021, New York, USA. [pdf download (PDF 70 KB)]
  • Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2021: Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2021, Madrid, Spain. [pdf download]
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2020: Competition Between National Brands and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of National Brands, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C./Breugelmans, E. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Seventh International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2020, pp. 39-49.


  • Petrescu, M./Reavey, B./Brüggemann, P./Orzan, M. 2024: Special session on AI and analytics in the multidisciplinary marketing ecosystem, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2024, Bucharest, Romania (Vorträge: B. Reavey, P. Brüggemann und M. Orzan).
  • Tomczyk, P./Brüggemann, P./Doligalski, T. 2024: Automating Science: Exploring the Potential and Limits of AI-based Applications in Systematic Literature Reviews, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2024, Bucharest, Romania (Vortrag: P. Tomczyk und P. Brüggemann).
  • Mergner, N./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2024: Competitive Segmentation Analysis To Compare Pricing Effects for Competing Brands, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, 23.02.2024, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, (Vortrag P. Brüggemann).
  • Ermecke, K./Dege, D./Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2024: Brand Power is Not Enough – The Attitude-Behavior Gap and its Impact on The Revenue of Chocolate Bars, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, 24.02.2024, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, (Vortrag K. Ermecke und P. Brüggemann).
  • Koch, C./Schultz, C. D./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2024: Time Effects in Attribution Modeling, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, 25.02.2024, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, (Vortrag C. Koch und P. Brüggemann).
  • Brüggemann, P. 2024: Market Share Decomposition Methodology – Methodological Foundations and Empirical Insights Utilizing Market Shares of National Brands, Private Labels, and Retail Distribution Channels in the Grocery Retail Industry, 2024 International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC), 19.01.2024, Venice, Italy (Vortrag P. Brüggemann).
  • Tomczyk, P./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Variable Science Mapping as Literature Review Booster – Systematic Literature Review and Empirical Evidence, 14th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 29.09.2023, Athens, Greece (Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
  • Brüggemann, P. 2023: Future Perspectives in Online Grocery Shopping – An Online Marketplace for Manufacturers, Retailers and Consumers, International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS), 25.08.2023, Bielefeld, Germany (Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 2 MB)
  • Brüggemann,P./Pookulangara, S. 2023: Critical Review of Common Classifications in Channel Marketing – A New Holistic Framework, 29th Recent Advances in Retailing & Consumer Science Conference, 24.07.2023, Lyon, France (Vortrag P. Brüggemann und S. Pookulangara). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 678 KB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2023: Shift in National Brand and Private Label Shares with Households Commencing Online Grocery Shopping, Tenth International Conference on Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, 26.06.2023, Barcelona, Spain (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann und C. D. Schultz).
  • Ermecke, K./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2023: They Don’t Do What They Say – The Attitude-Behavior Gap in Online and Offline Grocery Shopping for Organic Products, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, 28.06.2023, Barcelona, Spain (Vortrag K. Ermecke und P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
  • Schultz, C. D./Kumar, H./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Body Scan versus Environmental Scan in App and Web Augmented Reality – The Role of Privacy Concerns and Technology Anxiety, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2023, 26.05.2023, Odense Denmark (Vortrag P. Brüggemann).
  • Brüggemann, P. 2023: Dependent Variables Under the Microscope – A New Method to Decompose and Comparatively Analyze Dependent Variables, International Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference 2023, 19.05.2023, New Orleans, USA (Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 985 KB)
  • Rajguru, K./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Conceptualization of Sustainable Dimensions for Metaverse-as-a-Service, AIRSI 2023, 16.05.2023 online (Vortrag K. Rajguru and P. Brüggemann).
  • Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2022: Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers’ Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, 13th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 22.09.2022 (Kaunas, Lithuania, Vortrag P. Brüggemann).
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: Dividing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels: The Influence of Regular Prices and Promotional Prices, 28th Recent Advances in Retailing & Consumer Science Conference, 24.07.2022, Baveno, Italy (Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2022: The Impact of Pandemic Restrictions on Offline and Online Grocery Shopping Behavior - New Normal or Old Habits?, Third International Conference on Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, 30.06.2022, Barcelona, Spain (Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 999 KB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Pauwels, K. 2022: Consumers’ Attitudes and Purchases in Online Versus Offline Grocery Shopping, Ninth International Conference on Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, 27.06.2022, Barcelona, Spain (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 595 KB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Lehmann-Zschunke, N. 2022: Customers’ Retention on Freemium Platforms – An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Termination Rate, 2022 International Marketing Trends Conference, 21.01.2022, Rome, Italy (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF
  • Springer-Norden, M. R./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Product Variety and Loyalty to National Brands – a Combined Measurement of Purchase Sequence and Coverage of Demand, Eighth International Conference on Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, 22.06.2021 (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Effects of Distribution Channel Types and Determinants Influencing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels, International Conference of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, 04.06.2021 (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
  • Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2021: Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, International Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 26.05.2021 (online, Vortrag C. D. Schultz und P. Brüggemann).
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2020: Competition Between Branded Goods and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of Branded Goods, The dual role of retailers and digital platforms in marketing channels, A symposium of three Academic Webinars, Webinar 2 – In-store competition between private labels and branded goods, 09.11.2020 (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann).
  • Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2020: Competition Between National Brands and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of National Brands, Seventh International Conference on Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, 18.06.2020 (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann). Vortrag als PDF (PDF 1 MB)
Stefanie Fréquelin | 01.07.2024