
Imperial ideologies. Forgotten histories between Spain and Germany (gemeinsame Veranstaltung der FernUniversität und der UNED Madrid)
MA EuMo: Modul 1E; Modul 2E; MA GeEu: Modul I; Modul II; Modul III; Modul IV; Modul V; Modul VI; Doktoranden des Lehrgebiets Geschichte und Gegenwart Alteuropas
---- Teilnehmer aus dem BA Kulturwissenschaften auf Anfrage mit Begründung
Avilá (Spanien)
31.03.2019 bis
07.04. 2019
Avilá: 31.03. - 07.04. 2019
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Schmieder
Prof. Dr. Ana Echevarría Arsuaga
-------- Teilnahmebeschränkung -------- Wir bitten eindringlich, sich Ihre Anmeldung im Hinblick auf Ihre Teilnahme gut zu überlegen. Sollten Sie an dem Seminar doch nicht teilnehmen können, bitten wir Sie um baldmögliche Abmeldung.
Auskunft erteilt:
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Schmieder , E-Mail: felicitas.schmieder
Irmgard Hartenstein , E-Mail: irmgard.hartenstein , Telefon: +49 2331 987-4752

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Teilnahmen an beiden Seminarwochen unbedingte Voraussetzung ist.

(bitte verstehen Sie den Text als ein gemeinsames Produkt beider Universitäten; nicht alle Angaben sind für Fernstudierende relevant)

Imperial ideologies: forgotten histories between Spain and Germany is a seminar in two countries about two approaches to history, in which we will address historical topics of the Middle Ages from a double historiographical perspective. We have identified multiple aspects of imperial ideologies relevant to both countries, which we will discuss with Master and Doctoral candidates. Ideas and memories of empire have been important for Medieval Iberian as well as “German” rulers on different levels such as hard politics, dynastic considerations, symbolic communication, relations with their subjects and more. The “imperial” had at times a strong impact on medieval societies. At the same times, these ideas were very different in the two regions and knowledge and assessment of them remains different in the countries concerned.

The seminar will take place during University year 2018-19, one week in each country: in Regensburg, 21 - 28 October 2018; in Avila 31 March – 7 April 2019. We will have two day-trips or afternoon-trips in each destination, where lectures will be given on-site. In Regensburg, we will visit the Old City, Nürnberg and Munich. From Avila we will visit El Escorial, Toledo and Segovia.

The seminar will be filmed where possible, but not offered online for the moment. This is conceived as an extraordinary seminar with ECTS credits for Master candidates, and will also accept Doctoral candidates. Materials will be published in Fern Moodle site and will be available to students in June 2018. Papers will be circulated in English in September 2018.

Participant Requirements

The course is aimed at 10-12 students per country, promoting contents and connections. English required, Spanish & German desired. We accept Master (MA) and PhD candidates, registration required before the trip, in the year 2018-19. Because it is one seminar in two parts, everyone has to commit attendance to both parts, plus certain amount of work that they have to prepare online in between. Certificates will be issued with the number of hours, grades and credits obtained. We will not be able to fund all expenses. If grants are available for any of the trips, we will inform the registered students.

The first part will deal with sources, which will be analyzed together by participants and speakers. Work will be distributed in pairs of people from both countries who will work together in papers for the second seminar.

In the Remarks field of the form, applicants will explain motivation to apply for the seminar, level of languages and research interests.
