
Global atmospheric transformations. Meteorological infrastructures in ancient, early modern and late modern periods.

-- Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch sein --
Robert-Jan Wille, Utrecht
FernUniversität in Hagen, Universitätsstraße 33,
Gebäude 2, Raum 4+5
Anmeldung bitte per Mail an karin.gockel@fernuni-hagen.de
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10.10.2023, 18:15 Uhr

How did the 'vast machine' of global climate science come into existence? It is not just a recent history of computers, satellites and international organizations: in my talk I will ground today's scientific practice in millennia of historical knowledge production, going back to the weather-inclusive astronomy of Mesopotamia, the meteorological philosophy of ancient Greece and China, medieval trade routes and the imperialism of the (early) modern age. In this presentation will move beyond the contents of weather and climate science and delve into its infrastructures, from palace libraries, schools and empires to maps, journals instruments, balloons and telegraph networks.

Karin Gockel | 10.05.2024