
Learning Conceptual Modeling: Structuring Overview, Research Themes and Paths for Future Research
Rosenthal K
Ternes B
Strecker S
Beiträge in referierten Konferenzbänden
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Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019), Track »Modelling and Managing the Digital Enterprise and its Business Processes«, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8–14, 2019, Research Paper 137. [Link to Paper]

Conceptual modeling marks an essential expertise for understanding and shaping the digital enterprise. Research on learning and, correspondingly, teaching conceptual modeling forms a diverse body of knowledge involving foci on various learning theories and approaches, learning outcomes and barriers. This review of literature on learning and teaching conceptual modeling identifies prevalent and emerging research themes, and presents a structuring overview of contributions to the field. Based on a systematic and purposeful sampling of publications combining different search strategies, we compile and analyze 121 contributions published between 1986 and 2017 to initiate further discussion on framing the learning and teaching of conceptual modeling in the light of learning paradigms. Future research can draw upon the identified research themes and gaps to advance our knowledge on learning conceptual modeling.

Preprint-ecis2019-learning-conceptual-modeling [ 1489024 KB, pdf]
Lehrstuhl EvIS | 10.05.2024